Humanity- Is there any Hope for it?

Four months! That's how long it's been since I have written a post here. Any excuse I make about my busy routine would be lame, so I won't. Upon deep reflection, I can safely say that the true reason is quite simple.

This blog is a haven where I bear my soul for all to read, for all to feel what I feel with every fibre of my being. It is the humble platform where I hope to contribute my two cents into, perhaps, making this world a better place.  Having said that, the writing comes with a tremendous amount of emotion.

Emotions that are hard to cope with.

They swirl around me in an aura, a mixture of all the primal, gut-wrenching, ecstatic, overwhelming sentiments that are the symphony that life is composed off.

Hence, coming here to connect, perhaps to reach you, to touch the inner recesses of your heart, that is a difficult feat indeed that I do so hope to accomplish.

Fast approaching the big "40", the age which is synonymous with finally attaining some measure of maturity, and as you all know, being side tracked off of a very straight forward future (tumultuous as that was) onto quite a different road, I often ask myself during the course of the day... is there any hope left for us as a species?

It's not like the evening news blooms with atrocities being wiped out, replaced with peace and prosperity.

It's not like that every trip outside the confines of my house depicts people struggling to land a decent meal, let alone be afforded basic amenities. A little child, hardly 4, is running with tattered clothes and no shoes on a pavement in the heat of the day, a pavement hot enough to cook an egg on- begging.

It's not like our own dear ones don't let us down time and time again.

It's not like any one person that exists under the sun and the moon can say, "Hey man, life is cool, life is chill." NOT ONE!!

Governments letting the people down, materialism taking over any modicum of decency and all that is pure and fundamentally good is being rejected- cast aside with utter callousness.

It just does not end.

At least my age has finally made me realize, no; it certainly, most definitely WILL NOT end.

Humanity, sometimes the best of it, is going to let me down, let you down.

Studying Literature dating back to the 16th century and studying the works of the great artists like Shakespear and Ben Jonson, enlightened me as to how deep tragedy actually ran throughout bygone times- the circumstances were different, but the grief and dismay- that was a prominent commonality.

The lives of our great prophets (may Allah be pleased with them) also show great suffering and struggle.

I lived the better part of my prime years in a ridiculously naive state of mind, that tomorrow will be a better day. But the sad truth is, age brings clarity that is brought on by the cruel mistress that is life. She seduces you, she shows you her beauty and her sparkle. But underneath she is mischief, she is pain, she is torture and she is hardship all cloaked up. This cloak is undone a little at a time to reveal what lies beneath.

There are 2 things that I must say as I have now painted a rather eerily distressing and hopeless scene.

1. Underneath the cloak, a glimmer of hope shines, this is commonly called faith, Also little flecks of gold sometimes shake off to the ground, bits to pick up quickly lest they drift off into nothingness, these are your loved ones (despite their flaws). If you are lucky enough, and more importantly have the insight to identify and appreciate these two hidden treasures, this tornado of emotions that we call life becomes bearable and dare I say it... pleasant. PLEASANT- yes I said it. It takes a decent amount of will-power to go after them. Moreover issues arise when they are taken for granted. Then one or both are lost in the wind.

2. Miracles happen. No magical wands to swish this way and that, but miracles happen. The breath you take right now, the cool breeze in the heat of the summer afternoon, the wonders of nature, the kind word you were not expecting, these are miracles. But we have been conditioned not to take heed of them. I pity the fools denied this great blessing.

I guess whether there is hope for humanity or not is a matter of perspective. Every day I go out in the world, I get thrown haplessly into sadness at such things that would arouse sadness, but then my heart gets lifted in knowing that... I can't control what life does to me, but I can certainly do something about how I lead my own.

Chin up... tomorrow (if you are lucky to be alive) is another day.


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