
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Pursuit of Happiness- Is it Attainable

" I pray for your happiness, " said a friend of mine. It was subtle, yet profound. She didn't mean I was unhappy. Only that she knew my journey to have been a tumultuous one. But surely as the winds of a storm that thunder on leaving only destruction in their wake ultimately die down to a serene calm, so does the grief and pain that claws and scratches at your heart. When you come out the other side, like I believe myself to have done, something changes. And it's glorious. It's liberating, it's empowering and it's absolutely impenetrable. And so I thought, am I happy? I don't know. Here is what I do know:

A Letter to my 20 Year Old Self, Dated Today

What if time travel actually did exist? What if you could actually send your immature, silly, younger self a letter, knowing what you know now- today? What nuggets of advice would you drop into your lap? What would you do differently? Would you even heed your own wisdom? Because one of the follies of youth involve not taking anything 'wise' very seriously at all. But if it were so... I know I have no regrets, none at all. I know despite this imagined time travelling capability, my fate was written and I also know until there is breath in me, my story will continue to unfold as it has been pre-written. All I have to do is live it with faith and give it my very best that it should not be a colossal waste of the earth's resources. God knows there are plenty of soul sucking, poor excuse of human beings out there, and I do not intend to be one of them. Again, if I could though, a letter to my younger self would go something like this...