The Thirsty Sparrow and what it Taught Me

There is an image in my head. It's been quite a few days, but it has not faded. It was a fleeting thing. The type of thing nobody would give a second thought to. I also remember thinking it's funny how even mundane things can be a source of inspiration, but more on that later.

There was a little sparrow, dipping its beak with rapid precision, smack right in the middle of the traffic junction, in a little puddle of murky water. It was oblivious to the moving seas of cars swishing past. The puddle was in the 'neutral zone' of the junction- right in the center where no cars could overlap. In all fairness, it is Karachi and the traffic can get out of hand at any given second, yet this bird knew only its thirst and probably noticed that this particular crevice was somehow, immune to any danger. As I looked on for a minute at its incessant task, I realized that this was such a fitting analogy of the life I currently live.

If its the one I have learned through the trials and tribulations of the journey we call life is that everyone is sailing on treacherous waters. The minute I think I have seen it all, felt it all, endured it all, I see someone, their raft flimsier than mine, their part of the ocean deeper.

And yet people are illusioned, or disillusioned rather, that the universe revolves around them. It does not. You may think that such is the case, but trust me reader it is not. People, as is the nature of humanity, have better things to do than to listen to sob stories. It's not like they lack any of their own. Ultimately, people move on to the next hot topic out there. A point in time comes, when this realization dawns (or not), and if you are lucky enough that it kicks you in the shins, then I would strongly advice getting up and moving the hell along.

These past few years have been somewhat of a revelation for me, in terms of human behaviour. A lot has happened, a trust-less marriage nearing its end, being apart from my seven kids, and finally culminating in an inevitable divorce, I know now that what is, just is, and thus, can't be anything else.

The sparrow brought things into perspective. As I gazed at my little thirsty counterpart, mesmerized by the level of confidence she (I thought of her as a she) exuded, I glanced at the speeding cars- the people to whom there may or may not be a connection to, the traffic lights- the people in your life that have meaning and on whom you can depend, the puddle of water- what you want in life and finally that neutral zone- your faith.

The people who are in your general vicinity, the on lookers, the ones who at the very end of the day can not DO or CHANGE anything for you don't really need to be taken very seriously. They are there to observe and come to their own conclusions. They are usually judgmental and in most cases misguided. Treat them with respect and care but never doubt your convictions on their behalf.

The traffic lights, the people in your life that genuinely care, need to be nurtured and appreciated. Sometimes though, they fall into the above category and have very cleverly cloaked themselves to fall into this one. There is a litmus test to assess them- if in the end, everything collapses, will they truly lift you up and take on your weight for you? There are degrees of course, but you get the drift.

Sadly, I know of one too many people who have no traffic lights- none at all. Consider yourself to be very lucky indeed if you do.

The puddle of water- your aim, your objective, your goal. Sometimes, the end is not clear. Vague... yes, uncertain... most of the time, so you really need to focus on your vision. This can be of an immediate nature, or long term, or both. I know that nothing gets done without focus on the destination. Despite diversions, if the destination is clear, you will get there sooner or later.

Which brings me to the last part- your faith. There comes a point in life, when after everything that has transpired, there are forces at work that are beyond your scope of influence. Call it fate, destiny or whatever, but it is true. The sooner you accept that certain things in life are not in your control, the sooner you can chuck those matters into the lap of God. Write Him a letter if you must, pray, meditate and then MOVE ON.

My little friend, my little muse, flew off as I passed by, thirst all quenched, off towards more adventures, more life, into the unknown.


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