
Showing posts from June, 2016

Humanity- Is there any Hope for it?

Four months! That's how long it's been since I have written a post here. Any excuse I make about my busy routine would be lame, so I won't. Upon deep reflection, I can safely say that the true reason is quite simple. This blog is a haven where I bear my soul for all to read, for all to feel what I feel with every fibre of my being. It is the humble platform where I hope to contribute my two cents into, perhaps, making this world a better place.  Having said that, the writing comes with a tremendous amount of emotion. Emotions that are hard to cope with. They swirl around me in an aura, a mixture of all the primal, gut-wrenching, ecstatic, overwhelming sentiments that are the symphony that life is composed off. Hence, coming here to connect, perhaps to reach you, to touch the inner recesses of your heart, that is a difficult feat indeed that I do so hope to accomplish. Fast approaching the big "40", the age which is synonymous with finally attaining s