The Calm that Comes in the Wee Hours of the Morning

I find myself not being able to sleep. Not from lack of! The way work has been lately... I'm out like a light at a very modest hour and stay in that position till a decent time in the morning. Then all hell breaks loose again, but I say that with love. No, I find myself awake because a mosquito bit me on my forehead. Well there was no going back to sleep, so I picked up my cell, browsing all the usual channels, Facebook, Instagram... Wait, I did not check up on twitter. Still no semblance of sleep came on. And the runny nose got runnier. It was time to sit up and get something done. Ah there was some outstanding printing to be done, so did that. The allergy attack was still in play, so got a cup of tea. Tragedy- didn't turn out all that nice! But chugged it down regardless- waste not want not, or is it the other way around? Anyhow, with all that out of the way and the nose giving me some respite, and literally nothing to do, my mind wandered w...