Appreciation vs. Wanting to be Needed

What is the healthier option? In the first instance, one is inclined to believe that both are imperative for human survival. But then one is forced to think of all the suffering in the world and realizing that refugees in a war torn area do not have the luxury of thinking along the lines of those of us who live in relatively less taxing circumstances. A friend asked me a few days ago what I thought of when the word 'wall' is mentioned. I was going to answer facetiously, 'Trump' but judging by her very serious demeanour, I thought better of it and decided to go with, 'Personal Boundaries'; absolutely! She gave me a wry smile. She confessed she had to go with what was right and what was wrong. This was strange to me, but turns out, my answer was strange to her. She said that the answer she gave depicted that she had an intense desire to please people even if it meant terrible inconvenience at her expense. I on the other hand, had probably passed that ...