Dreams and the Stuff they're made off

Dreams. The word has such positive connotations- such an upbeat, motivating and hopeful ring. You dream, you do, you get. That is the general sequence of things I am told. It's sad that I haven't actually had those kind of dreams. Literal dreams. I suppose it's always a good thing to get quite suddenly jolted back into reality only to realise that it was 'only a dream' and then sigh a huge sigh of relief. 'Oh! It was just a dream- thank Goodness!' Yeah. Those are the dreams I dream. Not frequently. Any other dreams I have are just that. Lost into the ether as the first rays of light stream into my awakening eyes. They just leave me with, well nothing, as they should. But not the former kind- oh no! In their wake, they leave a pit in my stomach. One that is filled with strange and not very pleasant feelings- feelings that resurrect what memories I have, with great labour, locked away in a little box, buried deep into a corner of my heart. If that P...