
Showing posts from April, 2020

Personal Ramblings during the COVID-19 Pandemic

With norms of society being rewritten everyday, some things never change. - With remote/ distance learning being all the rage and teachers the world over stepping up their tech game, the fact remains we all miss our classes and student interaction like crazy; I believe the opposite holds true for students too. The only thing is, we just took it for granted before. It will be a happy happy day when we are all together again. - With most of the world in self-isolation, it has been a moment of glorious reconnection. Ironic how it took the world to retreat into the recesses of their homes to bring hearts closer to each other. Absence does, in the words of someone wise, make the heart grow fonder. - In the face of uncertainty, humanity it turns out, is pretty resilient. And there really are more good people out there than I realised. Well good as in really trying to help out people in dire need. Any good person is a 'bad guy' for someone I guess. - About myself, I am