
Showing posts from July, 2015

In Sync With the Masses... A Good Thing?

How many of us out there are leaders? The truth is, we are all leaders in some capacity or the other. We may not hold the reins to any country, but we are all masters of, if nothing else, our own thoughts and actions. But..  Life, as it were, is so fast-paced. It's just wake up, to work, to lunch, to home, tuck the kids in and back to work the next morning. And it is repeated, day after day after day. I can imagine a bird's eye-view of rush hour traffic. Traffic jams, people scurrying about like ants. cars moving along perfectly aligned on the motorways. And this is what? It's all good, don't get me wrong. We are performing a basic function of life, namely making a living, just as we should and are expected to. We are expected to do a lot more which we may not agree with, stemming mostly out of necessity and having no choice. For instance... Things like taking the humiliation and extra hours your boss hands out while he takes a Caribbean Cruise. Things like

The Art of Living

Ms. Zablocki really hit the bulls eye when it comes to the basic philosophy of life. The piece of literature below is both touching and self revealing. We lead rushed lives, every day passing by, turning into weeks that turn into months and hence years go by. Though I love the message at the end, that we need to try and slow down some, catch a breath, relax, enjoy the moment; whether it be indulgence in that book you've been wanting to read for ages, or the relishing of the dessert you always loved, or just to capture your child's smile with your inner eye, we need to slow down. Many or most of us, sadly, don't push the pause button nearly as much as we should. As for me, the entire chain of events described above was fatefully interrupted and I ended up with a non-disputable halt after number 3. That's only half way right to the bottom. Now, none of us know when we are going to die, that is a variable that will put a halt anywhere- but sometimes life just ha

A Shock and A Realization

The other day, at a traffic light I was thinking about how it always seemed to be red and the resulting annoyance that stemmed from the wait. As the car moved on (slowly because of some disturbance ahead), my sight fell upon a young man on a motor bike right at the front of the line at the perpendicular junction. At first, the impression was not clear and instinctively I looked again, arching my neck back a little as the car moved forward (now speeding up). It must have been an issue with my eyes because what I thought I saw at first glance couldn't possibly be real. This was the shock. At second glance, it turned out my eyes were in perfect working condition. And this is what I saw...