The Art of Living

Ms. Zablocki really hit the bulls eye when it comes to the basic philosophy of life. The piece of literature below is both touching and self revealing. We lead rushed lives, every day passing by, turning into weeks that turn into months and hence years go by. Though I love the message at the end, that we need to try and slow down some, catch a breath, relax, enjoy the moment; whether it be indulgence in that book you've been wanting to read for ages, or the relishing of the dessert you always loved, or just to capture your child's smile with your inner eye, we need to slow down.

Many or most of us, sadly, don't push the pause button nearly as much as we should. As for me, the entire chain of events described above was fatefully interrupted and I ended up with a non-disputable halt after number 3. That's only half way right to the bottom. Now, none of us know when we are going to die, that is a variable that will put a halt anywhere- but sometimes life just happens and deals you an unexpected hand.

The real question is, what then? Do we simply throw in the towel, thinking to skip right to the end? Every which way I think about it, I can not accept that there can be no other alternative to get to the end, for the end is inevitable. So this is what I came up with:

A Bucket List

A smile comes on my face when I think of the endless possibilities. Firstly, this 'fateful hand' that life dealt me as you read in previous posts, has lead me to an amazing place of self realization. It has also super charged my compassion, my commitment to never be the things I abhor. My trust in the fact that I am where I am because it was decreed has given me mounds of motivation to do what I can, when I can, for whomever I can.

That being said, and not being hindered by my previous limitations (as sweet as they were), there are things that I would tell Ms. Zablocki that could serve as an alternative to the above. So in no particular order...

I think I'd like to learn another language- or two.

The world is so beautiful, travel is definitely on my list, see the eight wonders maybe?

Excel and excel in my field of work- that's what I love about teaching, each day is an adventure. Children are mysteries to be unfolded, tanks to be filled, minds to be molded.

I've discovered the true essence of meditation, but as with all things, there is always room for improvement.

Oh! I really need to catch up on my reading.

Take some courses, the world is my oyster; handicraft, hairstyle, interior deco? Not sewing- no. That one is not on the table. It's just one of those things I guess. I've always had a thing for knitting though...

Like driving... but I've been convincing myself I can do this. Mind over matter...

Volunteer work is definitely something I aspire to do more of.

Making friends, lots of them, going out more, being more social.

Maybe even start my own business, it all starts with a dream right? No one got anywhere without a dream.

As I said, the world is out there with adventures to be had. Now I know the above bucket list is anything but adventurous, there is no parasailing, parachuting, race car driving, bungee jumping, rock climbing, underwater diving and what not, but that's just not me. However, the bucket list has come into play.

What I mean to say is this. Life happens, slow down once in while, don't be in rush to reach to the end. And if there are hiccups, jolts, bumps, detours or in extreme cases dead ends, there are still lines to fill, things to do, paths to travel that are unknown. It's not the end- till it is.


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