
Showing posts from December, 2015

What the Young Tree Whispered in my Ear

I rested my head against the car window, adjusting my angle to avoid the sharp noon sun rays. They filtered through the thinning foliage of the young tree that caressed the car door. I looked up lazily. She was not a big thing, young - but not too young. She had not seen many winters I suppose, but enough at least, to give me respite against the glare of the sun, the kind of glare that looks specially sharper in the midst of winter. Until then, I had not noticed the tiny red flowers that were scattered scantily all over her branches. They danced in the soft breeze, carelessly, along with their green counterparts. The beauty of the scene mesmerized me, until nothing in my peripheral vision existed any longer. Suddenly, it was just her and me.

What Karachi Truly Means to Me

I've lived the better part of my childhood and adolescence abroad, and 2/3 of my married life as well. I no longer live abroad nor am I married either. As I reflect on the past, things around me become more clear, and I begin to appreciate what I had always taken for granted before. The most significant thing that I am truly and most humbly grateful for is for my very own city, my abode and my savior, my city Karachi. I realize that most of my Karachi readers, or Pakistani readers at that, will be wondering what the hell I am talking about. I get it. You've heard of political unrest, polluted streets, lack of basic amenities, the list goes on and appears to be uninhabitable- a jungle- a place of mass hysteria. Whilst there is a morsel of truth in all the above, the horror stories are ridiculously exaggerated. But that is besides the point, let me show you how I see Karachi... Aerial View of a Part of Karachi