Enough with the Criticism Already!

I don't get it. Every which way I turn, mostly what I hear are judgmental, condescending remarks. Mostly. A lady passing by from under my window speaking on her phone: You should have seen her- she looked hideous and thought she looked so nice. Lady talking to a shop keeper: Everything in your shop is old and over-priced. Who do you think you are... and then some explicit language I can't get myself to repeat. In the waiting lounge of a hospital two nurses wail about their boss: He's such a rotten man, thinks he rules the world. YES YES and YES! She might have been looking terrible, but she obviously thought she looked divine! What harm is she doing to you? Let her have her couple of hours of glory. The guy might be selling expired products at an exuberant rate, so why come to his shop in the first place when there are ten more on the street? So the doctor makes them work on tight schedules, but then isn't it even remotely possible that his work ethic will ul...