
Showing posts from February, 2018

When a Moving Gesture becomes Terrifying

I know it almost sounds like an antithesis. But this is what happened. As you may well know, I had the pleasure of teaching a bunch grade eleven students English Language this year. Suffice it to say that it was the journey. I fell in love with their determination and the more I got to know them, the more I realized their uniqueness. I taught with a zeal and fervor that surpassed my expectations of myself. And this was not lost upon these kids as I was soon going to find out. So today, the third last day of their tenure at school, ready to head out into the 'real world', I was presented with a basket full of goodies shrouded by the thin veil of white gossamer net that was studded with sparkly sequins. Through the net, I could see my two favourite things in the world (amidst other odds and ends): chocolates and random adorable stationery. Well things like this don't happen everyday and I admit I did not take it very well. There was shock, a gaping jaw line and then some

Some Advice and a Little Story

At each stage of life, I believe, one has his/her key objectives and aspirations. If not, one should have these; otherwise there is no meaning in the life.   For example, when one is a student, his objective will be to pass his exams with good grades. Once that objective is achieved, there will be one or more other objectives.   This key objective is like the goal in football game. There are many hinderances in reaching to the goal and finaling kicking the ball into goal. Even when one has made the final kick, it is possible that the football will hit the poles of the goal. However, if one is a good player, he is likely to kick in the goal making sure that the ball does not hit poles or goes over the goal.   The lesson is that one has to remain focused on his goals. There are players of the opposite team which do not want you to succeed and there are other players of your own team who want you to succeed and are helpful in achieving your goal.   When you are in th