
Showing posts from April, 2018

This is going to be different

Google stream of consciousness. It's weird. It's just crazy. I was blown away when I first learned about it. I thought about how my brain works. There should be some kind of machine that can type the letters at the rate of the words racing through my mind, wait, there is something like that. I think my phone can do something like that. Ah my phone. That thing really is a little piece of magic. There is just so much to do, but I don't feel like doing anything. Tried taking a bath, maybe that would get me in the mood- to no avail. I'd like some tea. I'm cutting down on sugar. I used to take tea that was so sweet. You should ask my son Sufyan. He would make tea for me. It used to be sweet- just like him, never a sweeter soul have I seen on earth. He used to say he that he sprinkled a little Horlicks or something, I can't remember, on the tea- for effect I think. That's just the kind of kid he was. I don't know what he is like today, but I'd like to thi

A Day in the Life...

It all usually begins with the ringing of a bell downstairs in the wee hours of the morning. That would be my dad disabling the security alarm to unlock the door for me (yes, I'm that useless) as I would soon be headed out for my job. At this point there is a good hour and a half though, but now I'm wide awake. I think of my day ahead. Lately, work has been even more crazier that usual. Fifteen minutes before my driver is due to arrive (and yes, still don't know- or won't learn to drive), I make my way to my vanity- it's a pretty awesome vanity with brushes and serums and makeup and perfumes and other knicks and knacks. This is a special ritual. It's always so enjoyable. Something exciting is happening; I've almost finished my Lancome foundation- it is going to be an empty bottle in a couple of days! Such triumph- such glory!