
Showing posts from August, 2019

No Title as Such

I've been sitting for a while thinking what I should name this piece. Knowing that it would be a hotch potch of scaterred ideas, I decided to just go with the obvious choice. Speaking of a jumble of thoughts, there are so many circulating in my mind... the first and most recent one (I'll try reverse chronological order) is that I don't think I've seen this much rain in Karachi in the 5 years I've been here. The drainage system of the country is nothing to boast about and many people (and sacrificial animals for that matter) are in extreme distress. I've been looking at people posts on Facebook. Sometimes I think that the people are the new media. Journalists might become completely redundant one day. Coming back to the rain, scary videos of people half submerged in water, animals sprawled dead in the rivers of what were once streets and general flooding in areas is indeed very sad. Sitting on my comfy bed, in my comfy and dry room seems so much more of a bles