The Many Faces of Love

"If only"... the two only two words that hold the power to destroy the most powerful of people. True power comes from the excision of these demonic words from our vocabulary.

It's been more than a year since I began this blog, and I've come a long way. Although I have miles and miles to go, I can proudly say that the aforementioned dreaded words have never once sneaked up on me and I'll tell you why...

I know that my fate was written long before I had to endure breathing in the air of this world. I also know that Allah loves his servants more than their mothers. Being a mother myself, I can't but help think that the tribulations of this world that I face (and which are beyond my control) are indeed a blessing in disguise.

Consider...when a mother takes away candy from her child in fear that he or she would fall ill, what does the child think? Nothing makes sense except for the fact that a great injustice has been done, when in fact the very act that has successfully infuriated the child and caused retaliation is the very act that was borne out the most purest and most divine of motives.

But the child does not see until decades later when history repeats itself... then comes that "Aha!" moment and then there is a nostalgic trip down memory lane. There is shame on doubting the love that was the only pure source of love out there, and maybe even regret.

No one man has it all. But man (or woman) does have the one determinate thing regardless of their circumstances. They have choice in matters of consequence that can bring about change- but none where things are beyond the scope of control. The difference between the two and acceptance of the latter can literally mean the life or death of your sanity.

And so knowing and believing in fate, having given it my best shot, leaving the rest to Allah, and putting all my trust in Him and His divine love and mercy; serving others with sincerity and determination has become the recipe to my salvation.

There is never any darkness in life unless you let it creep in, and it creeps in with a stealth that goes undetected if you can not recognize it. There is always always hope- probably not for this world... but for beyond.


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