Terms of Endearment

It's just that plain old 'love', 'darling' and 'honey' are such cliches, that they just don't cut it as far as I am concerned. I think making someone feel loved and appreciated can only primarily be done through conscious effort, whether the mode is uttering some phrases or through subtle yet thoughtful gestures.

So far as speaking is concerned...

It's stuff like, " You don't eat apples, you should eat apples" coming from an otherwise more or less gruff elderly parent, to a very grown up child that really hits the mark; words that don't seem like much, but the love and concern touches a weary soul.

"Today the poor thing had such a high fever and her brother also fell and now has a huge bump on his head, jee I wish you were here." Such a simple sentence, but so eloquent in its meaning; words perhaps, that would put 'I love you' to shame.

"Teacher, we have English and you're late, please come." Wow, am I that good a teacher? Beats the buttering up kids are so apt to do when the exams are looming ahead.

The biggest one perhaps is, "I understand." That's it. "I understand", and then silence, the kind of silence that can be felt enveloping you in a aura of warmth and love. If you have people like that, they are your people, even if they are there for just a bit, only to move on into that vast unknown future, they are your people and they need to be cherished.


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