How the BIG Four O Taught Me to See the Silver Lining

It's such a cliche to say that wisdom comes with age, it's probably an accurate one too, but seriously, there are 40 year old douche bags out there who wouldn't know the value of a wise thought even if it materialized in front of their eyes, showed its amazing consequences, and then punched them in the face!

But this is not about those losers, it's about me and my thoughts, their evolution over the past four decades and all the experiences, horrendous as well inanely beautiful, that have shaped them.

Of these profound realizations, of which there are too many to list down, a few of my favourites are listed below and I'd love to share them with those of you out there who are young but don't have people in your life who truly 'get you', people who wish there was someone to give them some insight on the overwhelming complexities of life, people who have written off existence as nothing but pain and suffering and are looking for some excuse to keep moving forward...or simply people who are fishing around for some positivity (for a change).

  • Struggles are not permanent, it gets easier, but then, it gets tough again, it is always like that.
  • Even when you're in a bad place, you can aspire not to let yourself become victim of self-pity, you cry, you wail, you grieve, you get over it. That doesn't mean the despair will part with you, but it will take a back seat and let you be in control on the driver's seat.
  • Yes, it's possible to fall out of love with someone and start despising them. Only you don't let the hate change your outlook on the fate of humanity. 
  • There is ALWAYS beauty to be seen, even in the most ugliest of situations/ people/ things. ALWAYS. You just need to put in a little effort to see it. It deserves to be appreciated.
  • False pride will become your undoing! Be sure of it!
  • Being your genuine self, being your truly authentic self, will foster meaningful and long lasting relationships, the minute you need to fake it, you need to know they are not your people.
  • Children are magic.
  • Nature will soothe your aching heart.
  • Positive efforts pay off sooner or later. For sure!
  • You can not navigate the choppy seas of life by yourself. You need someone whom you can trust, You need someone to talk to, but speak to God first! It's Him who can change your fate.
  • Treasure the people who appreciate you.
  • Treasure the people who show you the silver lining, perk you up and bring out the best in you. They are very, very rare.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try again, and again, and again, and if you still don't succeed, then please try something else. But don't give up on the end goal. Just find a good alternative.
  • Come up with a tag line to repeat to yourself whenever you feel challenged, here's one: I can, I will, I must!
  • It's okay to show vulnerability, it's the toughest thing to do! Just don't become pathetic! There is a difference.
  • White lies and half-truths are not cool. But lying outright is just sad and PATHETIC! Owning up, giving accountability- these things will get you places.
  • Death can come any second, be prepared. Get your stuff in order! Return stuff that needs to be returned, work on getting that debt paid. Make a will! Seriously. Like now!
  • Happiness is a state of mind. You can attain it if you think about how lucky you are and are grateful of what treasures you already have rather than focusing on what your neighbour has. 
Yes, age slows you down, the cold makes your legs ache, and a sprint up the steps leaves you breathless, but what happens on the inside is breathtakingly wonderful


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