What is Good Leadership

All my life I've heard people talking about their bosses. Right now,  I can't think of one  person who has ever actually spoken well of them.

So when I was promoted, I had mixed feelings. First off, added responsibility is no picnic, secondly, everything I had ever read about leading a team boiled down to being a well of motivation and a magical intuitive source of empathetic delegation- skills that are quite challenging to master.. Besides, I always just saw myself teaching kids, teaching was, is, always will be my passion. I didn't really aspire towards anything higher.

It wasn't until my bosses made me see another angle that I started to get excited about the notion of leading the English Department at a school that caters to about 2500 kids.

Whenever I am asked why I teach, my answer is always sweet and simple and somewhat cliche if you will, but true nonetheless, 'To make a difference.' That's it. We all know the power of a good teacher, that one teacher who becomes your beacon of light, shows you the way, especially if you have no one at home.

'So,' they said matter of factly, 'now you can reach even more kids.'

This statement was not incorrect. It amazed me how much trust and hope they had in me. It was endearing.

'Also,' they assured me, ' you have it in you- you can do this- you can do it so well.'

I remembering gawking a little.

How ironic. To be loved, to be respected, to have people believe in me, look up to me, to be able to make a difference that  I never thought I could, but the ones closest to me- for them- I could do nothing. And I think to myself, 'How monumentally sad. Not for me- but for them.'

But I have set upon my path, it's been a month already. It's both exciting and worrying. There is so much work, I am always swamped, my blogs have had to take a back seat. But I do love it. Keeps my mind off other things too.

Even my niece (who loves impersonating me- wearing my ID, scarf and purse and pretending to be a teacher) asked me last night if I would be going in for work the next day- today that is- on a Saturday. I said no, and that we'd have breakfast together, and later we'd go out and buy a new printer... she loves activities that I print out for her, but my current printer has died.

The sun shines through my window, there is a cup of tea by my side, and a day ahead that I fully plan on making the most out of. Adversity is not something anyone asks for, and yet, behind the ugly word, is so much greatness. Can't let it bog you down, need to unleash the potential, need to serve others, that's what good leadership truly is....


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