
Showing posts from June, 2018

Another Eid... Gone

Another important day has become a part of history. Although the fun, laughter, Eidi (spending money received by seniors), guests, being guests, and the partying is refreshing, it is also a time to reflect. Another Eid is not guaranteed. Neither is another day for that matter. But it does give you perspective. Are you happy with where you are in life? Is there something you wish you could do right now? It there something you aspire to? Is there anything more out there? What do you look forward to getting done until next Eid? How was this year any different than the last?

When things are sad...

Dear readers, Sometimes, life is so sad. You hear about things... about the tragic circumstances of life. A first time young mother loses her new born son days after the birth- a middle aged man watches helplessly as his aged father gradually slips away- another young woman is stuck in a household that disregards her existence... (that one sounds familiar)...

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Being in a rather introspective mood today, I have been contemplating the source of my so called strength. There is no doubt that there isn't a single soul on the face of this earth who has not undergone, is undergoing and shall continue to undergo what my dad likes to call 'takleef'- 'pain'. That is what the definition of the world is. Ironically, this very pain, the grief, the trauma, the despair is what highlights pockets of joy and happiness in a spectacular way. It takes loss to know gain. It takes stress to know relaxation. It takes evil to know good.

Scrumptious Potato Balls

Well, my sis and I are trying out these really amazing potato balls. They're as simple as anything and cost next to nothing. All you do is boil about 4 medium potatoes and mash them.