Another Eid... Gone

Another important day has become a part of history. Although the fun, laughter, Eidi (spending money received by seniors), guests, being guests, and the partying is refreshing, it is also a time to reflect.

Another Eid is not guaranteed. Neither is another day for that matter. But it does give you perspective. Are you happy with where you are in life? Is there something you wish you could do right now? It there something you aspire to? Is there anything more out there? What do you look forward to getting done until next Eid? How was this year any different than the last?

These are all thoughts that kept crossing my mind as I joined in on the incessant frolicking and as I indulged in the best food money could buy.

The answer is yes and no. I know I can be a better Muslim- more devout. I know there is always room for improvement in the self development of a person. I also know that there is so much more to be learnt on how to become a better teacher and bring a greater amount of positive change in the youth around me. I know I can be a better daughter, a better sister, a better sister-in-law, a better aunt and a better friend. But what I can't be is a better mother- because my children are far away- so beyond my reach. The irony is I truly believe I can be... I think I was... I think could have been... but people are cruel and the world is cruel... even with its beauty, it is vicious.

So I suppose in a strange way, that is something that does not cross my mind a second time, because it beyond my circle of influence. Oh the irony!

Truth has a funny way of revealing itself. Sooner or later, karma catches up, and my friends, karma really is a bitch.


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