Lesson(s) Learnt

Life is more less going smoothly until BAM! Something happens that totally derails your center and starts to make you doubt yourself. That's apart from the anguish that crashes in waves and cascades down your cheeks.

And that is precisely what happened a couple of days ago. To cut a long story short, I had a very unpleasant experience with a colleague. Now workplace tussles do occur. However, it's when accusations are hurled with utter and reckless abandon that things get nasty.

Not everyone is the same. I keep telling myself that my past has made me stronger, and in a lot of ways it has. But I suppose the scars sometimes tear at the seams. I was crushed that someone would have insinuations about me like the ones she threw around. It took me back to a dark time in my life, a time I have left far behind me- but apparently not so far behind. So struck was I, that I actually left work to come home to get some space.I have never done that!

But everything happens for a reason. You see, the two days after this particular incident, I was to attend a workshop. Since the bone of contention was actually a matter of pedagogy, it turns out I was in the right. This actually reaffirmed my self-esteem- the very self-esteem that the 'incident' had succeeded in cracking.

Speaking of this workshop, I had an immensely wonderful time collaborating with peers from around the city and engaging in pure intellectual fun.

This is one story where I must say that indeed, all's well that ends well.


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