The Older I Get...

The numbers say I am getting old. I don't feel those numbers. I still feel like I've always done- except for the accumulation of memories. I may be wiser, I may be a little slower physically, but inside, I am the same.

About getting wiser, it's inevitable with age I suppose. No white hair yet, but there are reading spectacles to show for it. And the years have taught me (particularly the fast few) that:
It's not okay for people to walk all over you. At first, try to act with empathy, then try again to resolve the problem with finesse. If the abuse persists, try fighting back. If that doesn't work, then just let it be. Walk away. Quit.

It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to show vulnerability sometimes.

It's not okay to be a cynic. There is cruelty of majestic proportion and very little justice in this world. But consider, these trying times lead you to God. And allow you to feel, really feel, the rays of sunshine that break through the roaring, raging, tumultuous thunder. There are often, I think, silver linings even in the most dire of situations. Sometimes we don't see them immediately. Sometimes it may take years. But keep the faith. And embrace the good: ice cream, a pretty dress, a new pen, the laugh of a child, the warmth of the sun on a cold chilly day, your friends' rants and raves. It's often the small things that count.

I've learned that nothing is more fulfilling than giving back to those who are in need. Not necessarily money, but in need of a smile, an act of compassion, a gentle tough, a kind word, a gentle nudge. Do it without any expectation of reward.

As we talk about expectations, don't have any. Don't expect people to appreciate your sincerity, but be sincere anyway. Don't think for even a second that the toil and effort you put in is worth a nod, but toil away anyway. Be the better person- always. Be kind- always. Speak beautifully- always. Radiate love- always. People should look at you and say, 'She walks in beauty; what a beautiful soul!'  The face and body will go, a transcendent soul is forever.

So walk into those years that lead you closer and closer to the finish line. Don't sprint, stroll. Take in the scenery. Pick up the pace in muddy and murky lanes; slow down near clear sparkling lakes and sweet scented magnolia gardens. Even in sorrow there is joy. Even in waiting there is a sweetness. It's not easy, but prevailing is all about the state of mind- and the state of mind is a choice. Might as well choose well.


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