Things the Boggle the Mind

Few things hold mystery. Not because they are mysterious, but because I just don't care. I may raise a quizzical eyebrow, I may even bat an eyelid, I may even occasionally give a second look, but people, I have learned, are resilient (for the most part) and will live if I don't prod and pry into their affairs.

But then there are certain things that happen in an instant and they leave you in a haze of confusion. Even with the wildest stretch of your imagination, or mine in this case, can there be any plausible reason, or utterly implausible one for instances that seem to be right out of the Twilight Zone.

Case in point: on one not so bright morning, a few days ago, on the side of the road, squatting near a puddle on the side of the road (for there had been heavy rainfall the night before), an average looking Joe was scooping up water from said puddle and dumping it into a bucket. Why? I have been thinking long and hard why. There was no shop, no building around- so he probably didn't need it for cleaning purposes- besides, it was a dirty filthy sort of puddle. Not the type of water you would sprinkle on plants either. And no- it was not to clean up the side of the road- there were dozens more. Had he dropped something into it perhaps? But then he'd be feeling around in it surely? I don't know.

Then consider this: you go to a website, a blog perhaps, much like this one, and you click incessantly on the address bar again and again and again- perhaps 70 times in about a couple of minutes.

Strange things happen.

I suppose a little incredulity is a good thing- keeps things fresh, humbles you even.I may never know what could have driven that man to such a tedious and strange task, but I might let my imagination run rife with the latter- perhaps the repeated hits on the blog may be a subtle form of saying something.

I don't know, I may never know.

As I said, weird things happen. It could be a glitch. It may not be.

I'll write about what's going on in the real world soon.

Till then- toodles.


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