Anxious Times

These are anxious times. Why you ask? Well, as many of you might know, this past year I have been teaching the senior most English grade at the school where I work. This undertaking was Herculean to say the least. Prior to this job, I had only just taught students of grades 1, 2 or 3. Jumping into Grade 11, preparing them, polishing them to be able to appear for their O Level exam, it was not only daunting and right out scary, it was also supremely satisfying.

In fact, this afternoon, I have been invited by some of these amazing girls for a lunch out on the town.

But I digress. Actually, their result comes out on 14th of August. And I've been so nervous and paranoid. Random thoughts like- what if all I taught them was wrong- what if I've ruined any chances for them to get good grades? In addition, a lot of my own judgement and the judgement of others where I work are set to be unleashed upon me. So these are indeed anxious times.

At home, my brother and his wife have left for Hajj and his beautiful daughter and son are here with me. Their parents will be back in just about a little over 2 weeks. It has been 2 days. They have been an absolute delight. It helps that my other brother's family is also in town and they too have two children of a similar age. So it's pretty boisterous for the most part.

It's so strange how on the one hand there are things in your mind that will slay you, and on the other there are things that will give you intense pleasure.

One the one hand the memory of my own kids swirl inside my head- now in a mist of faces and laughter that are long gone. On the one hand, I have been blessed with the most amazing, most loving family, a wonderful job that takes up so much of what I can give- what I could have given to my own offspring. But thankfully, I have the opportunity to let it all out for the youth of my country. For I do really love my country, my city!

Anxious times will stay, but the soothing balm of family and realizing ambitions and hopes will do it's magic and triumph every time.


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