The Cycle Continues

As the time for family to head out on their merry ways back to their countries of residence has sadly arrived, I sit here thinking about how despite the pain that inevitably comes with goodbyes,  I am in peace comforted by the fact that the cycle continues yet again. There is solace in the knowledge that all is well.

So as I hug my niece and nephew at the door and give my sister-in-law a half-hearted smile and my brother an awkward grin with a weak little wave, I have the wisdom that has come with all the rocks that life has thrown at me and the years that I have lived to know that all is well.

All is well. It's so assuring, so solid, so profound, so safe, so natural and so meant to be.

There is a comfort in the cycles of life. The daily cycle, the weekly one and the monthly one. Routines that are there to keep you sane. Expected procedures that ensure some semblance of normalcy and stability.

That's not to say you can't be spontaneous in the moment. But in the moment is good. Overall, consistency is my armor, my home.

So here is to another academic year to serve as yet another learning opportunity and to be given the opportunity to help others learn. Here is to another autumn that will soon become winter, giving me the chance to yet again break out the winter wear. And here is to another year of me being forty something until it will become fifty something.

All is indeed well.


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