People Change- and that's Okay

Change is inevitable. If not age, then experiences will change you. But age will too. The fine wrinkles, the declining eyesight, the loss of agility... it comes. One doesn't remain young and beautiful forever- at least not on the outside.

That's the wonderful thing about change. People say, "Oh God! You've changed!" and there is that underlying tone of disapproval- pity even. For the most part, I think change is good. Why does it have to be a bad thing?

Is it bad to know how to say no? Is it bad to put yourself ahead of the selfish desires of others? Is it bad to simply lay low, take a beat and instead of a rich guffaw, give a little content smile? How is that bad?

It's adaptation- it's survival of the fittest.

Sadly, not enough change is happening. Even with PM Imran Khan's calls- well, what were calls of 'Tabdeeli' or 'Change', not enough of it has happened. Unless you count the gut-wrenching progressively growling inflation.

Not enough personal change happens. People stay in denial. They refuse to evolve. They insist to sticking to their narrow mindsets even when a better and clearer path is staring them in the face. But I suppose it's all very subjective.

I suppose we are all guilty of not changing enough. I suffer because I can't say no. People do take advantage. But I know enough from my years to deduce that I can take a lot of nonsense as a result of this character trait that is probably a vice. Knowing that is also a change. Knowing that has at least helped me to see who takes advantage of me- I see it- but I don't mind it- not until it consumes me. Then I just back off. I disappear, like a flickering candle, I go out with the wind.

After all, my life is more about serving others. It may not have been this way had I had my kids, whom I miss everyday. But they're out there, changing, evolving- for the better I pray. And in their journey of change, I hope they have an adult who can't say no to them when they go to them in need. Someone who can look into their eyes, while I look into someone else's eyes and say, "It's all going to be okay."


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