Things to Think About

How much control do we really have in our lives? Sometimes I think not much at all. Sometimes I think it's like a long train of dominoes, so well laid out in the perfect fashion, are given a tiny nudge- and they come undone instantly one after the other steering fate to wherever it may take us. That little nudge is beyond our control.

And so it has happened that after two years, another chapter in my life closes. It was an amazing journey of both laughter and tears. With the sadness comes a spark of excitement. Where will my dominoes steer me? What lies in store for me now? What new people will I come across?

That's not to say we leave behind the people we've come to love and cherish. I don't think I can ever forget the few who made a profound impact on me. I should like to keep in touch with them. Sure we won't speak everyday, but if it's the one thing social media has proven to be a blessing for, it's keeping in touch with people 'you leave behind'.

I'm still reeling from the beautiful sentiments that are pouring out. Life is so ironic. As I look at the distressed faces of these beautiful human beings, I am forced to think about how a total stranger can be so aggrieved at my leaving, but people who were family couldn't really care one iota.

So it's a weird time- a time of adjustment.

But it shall pass, and all shall be well.


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