Some Things Never Change

Ever wonder about the idiosyncrasies of life that are universal? Certain routines, certain relationships, certain environments that hold the same basic qualities no matter where or when you are. It's both problematic and comforting simultaneously.

Take for instance, a new work place. Some things never change- the tea, the desk, the people who work, the people who don't, the people who want to but can't- the list goes on. The thing that quite bugs me is the sameness of the situation. The thing that gives me a measure of solace is the sameness of the situation.

When things are the same, you know what to expect. They become adages- little bits of wisdom that sear into your brain. You know that there will always be resistance to change. You know it will be an uphill battle. The knowledge that it will be so is like a soothing balm on chaffed skin. The insights into what is to come is the burning of the chaffed skin after the balm has rubbed off on your garment.

Life is ironic. History often repeats itself. Until some visionary breaks the status quo- until some fool (in the purely Shakespearean sense) slays the stately dragons.

These fools exist. I've seen them. I've had the pleasure of meeting their acquaintance and they are forces to be reckoned with. I wish for my children to be these noble fools- to rise to the zenith of the stratosphere- despite being chased by angry fiery dragons. I wish for my students to soar the horizon, flashing rays of hope despite being burned by the dragons of uncertainty. And if I can play a small role- offer a nudge- give a little shove, then my job will be done.


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