The Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow

I don't think there ever is one. Let me explain. People strive (or most people do) to attain something in life. For some people its fame, for some money, good health, even good old-fashioned love. The journey has purpose and is fueled with passion and hope. Hope that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow will all be worth it.

Here's the thing though. When you final get to the end, there is no gold. It may be something that shines like gold, but it never really is gold. In fact, even the glamour and dazzle does not last. Not that I'm saying you shouldn't have dreams and aspirations. Quite the opposite really. Life only moves forward if there is something to drive it. But if life has taught me anything, the end game is never the glorious ending you expect it to be. In the end, it all goes away.

There is really just one thing in life that truly matters and that is faith. I see so much suffering in the world. I step outside and I destitute men, women and children. I shudder to think of the abject poverty they are victim to. I see well-off people who can't eat a morsel of high calorie food due to some illness. Ironic considering how the poor can't eat the same because they simply can't afford it. Then there are women with an emptiness in their lives. They look forlorn, and even behind the weekly gossip, I can see pain and torture that they have to endure at the hands of the abusive husband, usually in conjunction with mean in-laws. It's more common than I initially thought. No doubt, the poor must seek out sustenance, but their pot is almost always empty; no doubt the ill elite seek out robust health, and yet their plate is almost always not filled with what they would like; no doubt the young woman dressed in bridal attire thought about how her knight in shining armour would shield her from the cruelties of this world, only to fall prey to his narcissistic tendencies.

We need to push towards something in this life. More often than not, we don't acquire it. And when we do, it's not quite what we imagined. It take years to figure that out. The only beautiful thing, perpetual and constant is the knowledge that like everything in this world, we too shall one day cease to exist- at least on this plane. If nothing else, we can prepare for that pot of gold. If we prepare well, there is a grand promise. That one won't be disappointing.


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