
Showing posts from May, 2018

Last Day of School

Ah the day has finally arrived- the day the madness ends. Although, there are still tonnes of things to be done during the summer break, there is some reprieve in knowing that you can sleep in late. But most importantly, it is that part of the year when my siblings flock into town one by one with their families. My brother, his wife and his irresistibly adorable two year daughter get in from Toronto in a couple of days. It's always wonderful to reconnect. My brother, for the most part, is a pretty stoic fellow, but he and I connect on an intellectual level rivaled by a select few- a select precious few. I love the company of his wife, and I love playing with his daughter. Seldom little is more precious than the love of one's family. God knows, in the absence of my own children whom I love to death, I have ample reserves of it to give to anyone willing to receive it. This includes my dedicated team of teachers, and more so my students. Just today I was wondering about the bat

Chicken Spring Rolls

All I saying is, if you try out any of the recipes, just let me know you know, in the comments or post something on social media. Feedback is always welcome. Today we have my all time famous chicken spring rolls. No one does these better than me. And here is my secret recipe. What you will need:

Another Ramadhan Staple

These are so tasty, so good, so irresistible, that not a single will be left- no matter how many you make. They're called, 'aloo, anday, chicken, cheese kababs'. Quite a mouthful... literally. So let's get started. Step 1- Take 1/2 kg chicken breast, chop into 2 inch cubes in plop into a pot and add: 2 tsp ginger garlic paste 2 tsp salt 4 tbsp soy sause 1.5 tsp crushed red chillies 1 tsp black pepper Sprinkle with a little water, mix thoroughly and let cook until water is dry. Take care it doesn't burn. This will take about half an hour. In a chopper, chop the chicken well. Step 2- Take 1/2 kg potatoes and boil till well done. Peel and mash. Step 3- Boil 2 eggs, peel and chop in chopper. Step 4- Put all the above in a big bowl. Step 5- Put 4 tbsp of cream cheese into the bowl. Step 6- Mix all really well and make into medium oval shaped balls. Dip in egg, then bread crumbs and deep fry over medium heat for about 7 to 8 minutes till golden br

Ramadhan Blessings

We live to see another Ramadhan. Many did not make it. For those of us that have, we need to utilize as best we can. There is no doubt however, that the 'Iftaar' is an art best celebrated and indulge in by Pakistanis. I myself am partial to some tasty fried treats- and deserts. But I won't really make deserts, except maybe fruit custard, minus the fruit for me. (Some habits just don't change.) Any way, I thought I might share, from time to time, some classics. Some I used to make for my kids too. They really loved the aloo chicken cheese kababs. I remember asking my daughter during her adventure in formulating 'balls' out of the batter I had given her, why she was making them so small, to which she quickly replied, 'Well, they'll just be more off them; they'll last longer.' Hilarious. I'll be making those tomorrow In Sha Allah. But today I made something so easy and deceivingly tasty.

Don't live in the past and don't live for tomorow

Today, right now- it's really all we have. Yesterday is gone and so have all the other yesterdays before that. And tomorrow isn't promised. I'm not saying that you should not recall past events; I mean how else will you prevent the same mistakes now? No! Thinking, recollecting is a good thing. But excess of it is not. It just pulls you down into a rut. Also, I'm not saying don't think about the future. Thinking about a brighter and better tomorrow makes you hop out of bed. I know I have bucket loads of it, except I tweak the word 'hope' to 'faith'.