Chicken Spring Rolls

All I saying is, if you try out any of the recipes, just let me know you know, in the comments or post something on social media. Feedback is always welcome. Today we have my all time famous chicken spring rolls. No one does these better than me. And here is my secret recipe.

What you will need:

1/2 a kg cabbage- sliced (I just used the 'slicing' blade in the chopper- not the chopper itself). So sliced like we slice onions for salan.

2 carrots thinly sliced (also used a blade to julienne the carrots)

sweet corn is optional

half a cup of chopped spring onions

1/2 kg chicken boiled and shredded

a cup of macaroni (small sized) boiled

maande (pastry)

and a flour paste to stick the pastry

Take a huge pot/ wok and grease it. Add in garlic paste ( a table spoon) and saute around for a bit. Add the shredded chicken along with the seasonings: salt, pepper, soy sauce ( a good amount) and then just fry around for a bit. Now add all the veggies and toss around for a couple of minutes. Finally, add the macaroni. Cook all the while tossing for another couple of minutes and switch off heat. Now you need to keep tossing for about five minutes after the stove is closed. You don't want the veggies at the bottom to over cook. In fact, remove the pot from that particular spot. Do not cook for more than 5 minutes.

Now just take square pastry, add the above batter, and fold fold fold and seal off with the flour paste at the end which will make it stick.

Deep dry till golden- brilliant! Irresistible.

Of course, when you do it you can never have the secret ingredient- a touch of love (LOL), but maybe, just maybe, you keep me in mind while making, it can be transferred. I like to think miracles like this exist. 


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