Don't live in the past and don't live for tomorow

Today, right now- it's really all we have. Yesterday is gone and so have all the other yesterdays before that. And tomorrow isn't promised.

I'm not saying that you should not recall past events; I mean how else will you prevent the same mistakes now? No! Thinking, recollecting is a good thing. But excess of it is not. It just pulls you down into a rut. Also, I'm not saying don't think about the future. Thinking about a brighter and better tomorrow makes you hop out of bed. I know I have bucket loads of it, except I tweak the word 'hope' to 'faith'.

Of course, when I say don't live in the past, I expect you to understand that I am talking about extreme trauma. Just close your eyes for a second and remember that gut wrenching moment when it all fell apart... chances are you'll have spoiled your day. Instead, think of the good times. And think about having good times ahead. No situation stays the same forever. No one person stays the same forever. If you're sick, you get better- or you die. If you've lost a love one through death, you gain closure after a while. If you've lost someone you love or loved and they're alive, you'll find them again- or you'll find someone better. Because so long as there is life- there is hope, there is faith, there is a brighter and better tomorrow.

Think about that brighter and better tomorrow- but don't get lost in it. It will happen when its meant to happen. But don't sit idle doing nothing about it. If you can't make end meets today, think about getting a better job tomorrow. If you can't pass the damn test, think about changing study tactics- get a tutor, go to the Library, harass a friend- but get it done. If you are sick- don't whine about how many meds you have to take. Just take them... for that better tomorrow. And if you need to, change your dietary habits and throw in some cardio while you're at it.

I think of the past. I think of my kids and I think if what they must be like now. I remember the good times mostly and I am forever talking about them with my students and colleagues and my family (although with family it has proven to be difficult because it hurts them and they feel sad for me and them). I look to the future and I can hear distant chuckles and crazy arguments- well almost hear them. That is because I have faith.

But I really live in the present. In the NOW! TODAY I shall have a king's breakfast after many days. TODAY I'll finally finish the items on my to do list. TODAY I shall clean out my cupboard. TODAY I shall make three dozen spring rolls in preparation for Ramadhan. TODAY, as I do everyday, I'll have a long phone conversation with my sister. TODAY, I shall do something nice for someone without them knowing. TODAY I shall live- TODAY I shall persevere. TODAY, I won't let sad lonely cowards keep me from doing my very best because TODAY I will rise above all that bullshit. I won't let those who do not care about me, occupy my thoughts for TODAY is all I really have- so today I will be happy and I shall be content. Until tomorrow and the tomorrows after that which I know will be brighter and better- with a touch of heart breaking nostalgia- but only to give more meaning to my TODAY!


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