Last Day of School

Ah the day has finally arrived- the day the madness ends. Although, there are still tonnes of things to be done during the summer break, there is some reprieve in knowing that you can sleep in late. But most importantly, it is that part of the year when my siblings flock into town one by one with their families.

My brother, his wife and his irresistibly adorable two year daughter get in from Toronto in a couple of days. It's always wonderful to reconnect. My brother, for the most part, is a pretty stoic fellow, but he and I connect on an intellectual level rivaled by a select few- a select precious few. I love the company of his wife, and I love playing with his daughter. Seldom little is more precious than the love of one's family. God knows, in the absence of my own children whom I love to death, I have ample reserves of it to give to anyone willing to receive it. This includes my dedicated team of teachers, and more so my students. Just today I was wondering about the batch of kids that will become 'my kids' next year. But I digress.

Strangely, I thought of heart warming goodbyes to ensue today at home time, but as luck would have it, a last minute meeting was called that ended 10 minutes after off timings. So that couldn't be done. Thank goodness for Whatsapp. We just had to make do with technology- something, after all, is better than nothing.

But it's so hot. I got home today, and there was no electricity. We have a generator, so we can work most gadgets and appliances, but not the AC in my room. However, five minutes ago, it came so now the temperature of my dark draped room is a comfortable 24 degrees. What luxury. One should always look at what one has, rather than what one does not. It is the secret to remaining happy.

My youngest sister will be coming with her two boys tomorrow for Iftaar. The menu is feisty. She'll be making her chicken nuggets, I'll be making my famous chicken balls (click to access). My brother Taha will be making his all famous fruit chaat, and my mother will be making her all famous samosas, and cutlets. There are some left over spring rolls (click to access) so we'll be frying those too. For dessert- Darbare- Shireen ki rus malai... absolutely yum!

And then there will be plenty of chilling and lazing around.

Yeah summer vacation is a time to reconnect with your family, to reconnect with yourself... and to rejoice in idle pass time.


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